Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Huggies Swimmers & The Trail

Day after tomorrow, Chad and I are headed for the Appalacian trail! 30 miles of it starting in Gatlinburg, TN and heading south-west, ending at Fontana Damn in North Carolina... this is a view we might possibly see from Fontana Damn area:
Seriously so excited! But as I'm typing, I'm about to cry because this little guy...  
...obviously can't go with us. It will be the first time we've been without him, but I know he will be in good hands with his Nana and Aunt Kristen and it will be good for all of us.
So, while Chad and I are doing this...
Caleb's going to be doing this (he's stocked up on Little Huggies Swimmers and SPF 50!)...
And it will be SO good to see him when we get back! =)
I'll blog sometime after the trip, but hopefully there won't be any exciting stories to share!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Taking God for Granted

My last post mentioned that Caleb took his first steps... to emphasize my infrequency of posting, Caleb is now running everywhere and daily our house is hit by Hurricane Caleb! He is such a huge blessing in our lives that we totally don't deserve, and I praise God daily for giving him to us.

I'm reading Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noel Piper currently, which has quickly moved into my "favorite books" list! She talks about the importance of repitition when it comes to speaking of God to your children, referencing Deuteronomy 11.19:

You shall teach [God's words] to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

She says: "[A] sign of God's wisdom is that, with enough repetition, the very activites, no matter how mundane they are, will trigger thoughts of God in our minds (p.35)." Even if you are single, or married without children, this totally applies to every one of us! And for me, I want this so badly! I want it to become so natural in our home to talk about God, in EVERYTHING we do. Even when I'm not at home and with my family (say at work or out shopping), I want it to be natural to talk with people I meet about the God I love. And I always want to exhibit that kind of lifestyle for Caleb any any future children. Noel shares this excerpt from one of her husband's sermons:

God does not like to be taken for granted. It flies in the face of his eternal purposes-that he be known and loved and praised and enjoyed. And it makes us superficial people... When the main thing is missing, what's left is distorted and superficial, whatever it is. If someone says, "Oh, that's just religion. You can't expect everything to be religion," I answer,"It's not religion. It's reality. God mde the world and everything in it. He owns the erth and everyone on it. He is the main actor in the world. He is guiding the history of every people and nation to their appointed goal. Everything, without exception, has to do with God and gets its main meaning from God. And not to show this, but to take this for granted, is to be superficial..." It is simply impossible to overstate the importance of God. And he does not like being taken for granted. The psalm does not say, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be taken for granted." It says, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised." (Ps 96.4)
-John Piper

I don't know about you, but I don't want to be superficial and take God for granted. However I know that I too often do. This book has just been a great reminder of where I'm at right now and where I really need to be. I highly recommend you read it!

I pray that today you are reminded of God's greatness and His Sovereignty! 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

pursue righteousness

I mentioned prayer in my last post...

Right around the new year, I was listening to the local Christian radio station on my way to work. Normally there are a lot of things that bother me about what the radio hosts talk about on Christian radio stations and I typically turn it off in-between songs. But this particular day, something that a caller was saying made me keep it on. She was sharing how the previous year, instead of a New Year's resolution, she had decided to choose a word that she would learn to live out through the year. Her word was "listen". She talked about what that had meant for her in various forms, like listening to others and listening to the world around her, but most importantly, learning to listen to God. She said that this past November her yearly mammogram was coming up and she decided to just skip it because she had been so faithful the years prior to get it done and it had always been fine. As soon as she decided to not have it done for 2010, she kept having this feeling that that was the wrong decision and every time she thought about it, her word "listen" kept running through her mind. She said she felt the Lord was really speaking to her to get it done. As you can guess, she finally gave in and the result was positive... they found cancer in its early stages. She went on to talk about how that one word had driven her so much closer to God over the past year and that she felt it had prepared her for the news she received at the end of 2010... her heart was filled with so much peace.

I've never been one to make a New Year's resolution, but this story really made me think about what word I would choose. Prayer has always been a huge struggle for me, so that's the word I finally decided on. The cool thing is that I had already signed up for a Seminary Wives class called "Lessons in Prayer" (which starts tonight!!), and for Christmas my in-laws gave me a devotional book on prayer. I've been going through that book since I chose the word "prayer" and the Lord has already spoken to me a ton. I know I have so much more to learn about this amazing gift that we have been given (being able to have that line of communication with God) and I'm so excited to see what happens!

"So flee youthful passions
and pursue righteousness,
faith, love and peace,
along with those who call
on the Lord
from a pure heart."
2 Timothy 2:22 [ESV]


Little Mr. Caleb took his first steps on 1.31.11!!! Here's the video (I'm so proud of him!):

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

seasons & prayer

Well, at the rate that I am posting, I will have one post for every season of the year! We finally have internet at our apartment now though, so hopefully they will become more frequent.

We stayed in Louisville for Thanksgiving, but Chad's parents and sister came to visit. I got to cook my first Thanksgiving meal and I didn't burn anything!

Caleb even had some turkey (from Gerber of course):

Caleb's first Christmas was so much fun! We were able to visit my family in Oklahoma and Chad's in Texas. It was a lot of flying and driving, but Caleb was a great traveler and it was so worth it! Watching Caleb "open" presents for the first time was so fun... although he was much more interested in the paper and bows than what was underneath them. :)
Caleb's first snow!
...:: we let him play in the snow with his nativity set to get some pictures ::...

...:: traveling to oklahoma and texas to see family ::...

...:: opening, eating and wearing gifts ::...

Caleb turns 10-months-old tomorrow: 1.26.11! I know everyone says it about their kids, but I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. He is 21 lbs and 28 inches tall now... he started standing on his own a few days ago (and he better take his first step when Chad and I both are there!)... he has 7 teeth... and he's discovering new things every day. I think the cutest discovery he has made recently is how to put a ball in a plastic container and how to reach in and take it out again (over and over and over)! :)

Chad has been in J-term classes over the last several weeks. He clepped out of Elementary Greek last week! I'm so proud of him!

I am truly blessed to have two amazing boys in my life! Chad is a wonderful husband and a great dad!

            Something that I'll blog about later that has been on my mind a lot lately is prayer... "What does it mean? How am I suppose to pray? Why do I not do it more often? How can I learn to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:16-18)" 
If your heart has grown cold,
it is because you have moved away 
from the fire of His presence.
[Beth Moore]